Why am I writing in English?  I followed what Wild Mind suggests:  Write with your hand, not brains - thoughts in English is rolling out without thinking.  I can never figure out why that I would use a language I would never consider it my mother tongue, but hey it helps.  I could write in English without much criticism and thinking.  This is my sixth day on 'write with hands' practice and I like this very much.  I feel that a piece of me reveals each time, being understood and accepted.  Forget about all the supernatural therapies I had intended to experience, writing is all I need for now.  It is healthy and, free!


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I should be way passed the age to watch the so-called "young idol's drama", but I still do once a while if the cast is right.  I've been looking for the reason behind this (why am I being so harsh on myself?  Can't I just enjoy it without any reason?) .  I think maybe the drama, tho' ideal some times, reminded me of the young days when I am passionate for a lot of things, those days with no financial freedom but full of dreams.  I should try to find the passion, not to hold on for things or feelings that've passed.   

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10 Sun salutations a day has been my most committed exercise lately.  The result from it is amazing; my legs are tightened and the entire body line improves.  Trust me, if you do it faithfully for two weeks non-stop, you will see the differences.

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Ever since becoming a mom, time is lacking from life.  Thanks to Starbucks, I finally found a little getaway for a busy mind.  The coffee (tho' most of my coffee lunatic friends scorn it), the jazz, and the decor (reminded me of my school days in US).  It is a place to recharge, a corner for peace, and a time of my own.

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Out of the urge to change, I decided to buy the 'shop with a stylist' session.  Can't say I like it 100%, but it indeed broadens my horizons and shows me my possibilities.  Asked me why?  Not sure.  Maybe I am bored of the sameness in life and eager for refreshment.  I feel guilty for having spend my money this way, but yet who cares, you are only young once!  Okay okay I know.  Isn't that why I am here, write to relieve my guilt?

Anyway, I keep wondering, what's really behind this, for me to make such a quick money-spending decision.

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I indeed regret having talk to her like that, but I really hate the fact that she always talked to me that way.  Maybe in their minds I am always the kid in their memories, or maybe that's the way they are taught to deliver their love.  Whatever, I should leave all these behind and go on with my life.

But what's the pressure on my shoulders?

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網友 Jay 的留言:

最近剛看完Power Sales Writing這本書。確實,他是一本很實用的工具書,隨翻隨用。

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欲告知客戶,他的問題已和主管 or 工程師討論後有了結論
原: After discussing with my manager / our engineer, we could.....

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這兩個名詞是來自英文的 continuation 和 advance,在《銷售巨人》中翻成「持續關係」和「準成交」。但我覺得用「原地踏步」和「向前邁進」可以更清楚的傳達原文。沒錯,在銷售的流程中,就這兩項銷售狀態最讓人難以區分。厲害的業務可以在和客戶你來我往時,清楚的分辨和客戶的聯絡現況是處於「原地踏步」還是「向前邁進」,並努力的將對話導入「向前邁進」的銷售狀態,然而業績較差的業務人員,則是常常誤將「原地踏步」當成正在「向前邁進」。舉幾個實際的例子好了,以下幾種是我常在業務的報告中看到所謂的開發進度:

1.  Called customer, customer said they are evaluating our specs.  Waiting for their reply.
2.  Customer asked for quotation, quoted.

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「其實今天的爭吵只是讓我看到自己的缺點,謝謝陪我吵架的天使」-- 友人msn上的訊息讓我有感而發。事實上最近並沒有和什麼人爭吵,只是因為生小孩和搬家兩件人生大事大大改變了我慣有的生活型態 (為了這兩件事我必須對一些人事物妥協),而對這些妥協大大的挑戰我個性上的缺點 (若真的要說爭吵,也就是我個性的兩面在互相拉鋸吧)。這個恰巧出現在我最煩悶時候的訊息,提醒我檢視這些缺點;或許換個想法一切就海闊天空了 (但我還在努力)。好在寫作一向是我抒發情緒的出口,兒子天使般的臉龐更大大的揮走我的鬱悶。


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業務會議時出現頻率蠻高的一句話,就是「客戶還沒有回覆」。當這句話從業務人員口中出現,被動的主管可能靜待下次開會時有新的進度,主動一點的主管可能也只能請業務人員「再去 follow up」。對產品沒有興趣固然是客戶不回覆的原因之一 (但想想,客戶既然已經花了他的美國時間寫了一封信,為何在我們回應後又不再回覆了?)。在分析客戶不回覆的種種原因之前,其實可以先檢視自己「問題的方式」。客戶不回覆,依經驗來看,十之八九是問的方式不對,無法引導客戶,以至於客戶不知如何回應。以下我整理出一些較常見的錯誤,並分享一些改善的建議。

主管有時需要透過業務人員得知某些資訊,以便後續決策時參考,但主管通常不需要鉅細靡遺指導業務人員問 (寫) 的方式,所以當業務人員得到主管的指令時,其實應該是去思考與設計問話的方式,以達到主管 (或你自己) 想要由客戶端得到的資訊。但是業務人員常常跳過了思考與設計這個步驟,以至於:

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會發現這個網站是因為在找之前某個老師上課時使用的冥想CD。這個網站的好處是,第一,選擇多 (至少比我在書店能找到的多),第二是,每一首歌都可在線上試聽 (整首的喔),再來是以信用卡在網路付費後,可以選擇用下載的方式購買,省去運費的困擾。我覺得最好的一點是,如果一張專輯不是每首音樂都喜歡的話,可以選擇購買單曲,不必被迫買下整張。我自己用信用卡買了幾張,馬上買馬上享受,真的是非常的方便呢。

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