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izcream 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

說真的有些東西不是花時間肯研究就會得到結果的,話說我最近卯盡全力努力研究的保險就是一例。不過多日的挑燈夜讀還是終於讓我對保險這個黑洞有些眉目。就來分享一下有興趣review自己保單的親朋好友(因為聽說六月底最晚八月初保費就要有一波調漲了啊)。首先,保險確實是個蠻黑的洞 (嗯,這算是什麼鬼分享...),因為即便我眼圈黑了這麼多個晚上,也還是很難決定該怎麼買,不過有研究有保庇,至少我就覺得在黑洞中看到了一線曙光。

研究,總要有個方向,就先介紹帶我入門的這個網站:http://www.hope85.com.tw。這家公司的背景就煩勞自己上網站閱讀觀看,而這網站最重要的資訊就是首頁的那篇《完全人身保險手冊》。看完這本手冊,有一整個被打通任督二脈的感覺,不囉唆的立刻將蒙塵多年的保單從家中的各個角落翻出 (手冊的建議是最好每兩年重新檢視一次保單,果不其然就發現多年前壽險保單的受益人還填著已過世多年的老爸),突然間感到和保單間建立了親密的連結 (嗯,好像誇張了點)。接著花了NT400註冊成為一個月的會員小試所謂的保單健診,結果超令人滿意,因為一直輸入保單分析的結果,配合著手冊的建議,讓我越來越釐清自己的需求,也越來越讀得懂保單這本有字天書。雖然說我現在也不能算是什麼保單達人,不過應該也跨越了幼稚園來到小學生的階段了吧?

如果對自己保單有興趣的人,不妨先從手冊下手,再看是否需要註冊會員 (像我們一家三口十幾份保單的就特別需要!)有個眉目之後再參考這篇《保險哲學》(http://www.wretch.cc/blog/infacter/983497),相信你不會像我以前一樣遇到保險員時總是一副彌留神情的啦~~

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  • Jun 05 Fri 2009 09:37
  • 最近


最近的工作很忙,但是對於工作狂來說忙碌就是件愉快的事(如果不是結婚有小孩,之前的生活基本上和敗犬女王的那個女主角沒兩樣 - 公司工作在家也在工作,越累越開心)。

最近家裡也很忙。周末要帶著精力旺盛的兒子發洩他無窮的精力,雖然很累不過因為也小孩開闊了我的世界 (誰會想到敗犬女王有一天會紀錄餐廳有沒有兒童座椅這件事呢??)

中午還是一直到星巴克讀書,最近在看的是《如何學會任何語言》- 事實上到現在為止我會的仍舊只有英文。

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From the way I am misunderstood, I finally understand why the communcation between us has been so difficult.  Shouldn't we be on the same side?  Well anyway, it is stupid for me to attempt anyways.  I should have learned, it is important to always keep our communication at the most diplomatic, least personal level. 

I miss the time when all the efforts are driven by enthusiasm rather than by responsibility.


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I can't hide my disappointment, no matter how I try to convince myself from any viewpoint.  I just can't take the fact that after years of dedication, this is all they get.  I try to be indifferent or even cold-hearted, but I can't convince myself as I could most of the time.  I keep thinking, if I were them, I will be so disapointed about what I heard.  Maybe I've grown too closer personally with them; maybe I am getting old and become too tender-hearted; but maybe I am not the one wrong!  This feeling brings me back to years ago when I first had a similiar situation.  Maybe it is good for them to finally learn, as did for me back then, this is the way things work at this battlefield, the cold one stays.



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Last night I recited a poem and admired it indeed,
for it warmed up a crystal vessel in a deep blue sea;
for it drained the blood into a still, pale heart;
for it touched a feeble soul in a somewhat lonesome night,

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