狀況:客戶不合理的要求,我方擬拒絕,且在任何狀況下我方的決策都是 NO時適用。
1.  不要開啟任何問題讓客戶有回覆的空間 (即便是資深的業務也會不小心寫出一些讓客戶有回覆空間的句子,使事情複雜化;到現在一個不小心我還是會寫出一些我沒想到客戶可以回話的句子,所以回信時要同步思考,寫出的這封信,客戶會怎麼回。猜得越準,日後越可掌握回信的技巧)。

2.  用 "不能改變事實的通則" (facts that are universally true) 說服客戶。以下範例使用的通則是,一般來說 logo 代表一個公司完整的流程 (事實就是客戶就不是我們公司,即便成品比我們更好,也不代表我們公司)。第二段回的也是通則,沒有什麼可辯論的地方。這一點是常用的技巧,只要注意的是比對 (analogy) or 所舉的例子要符合常理。 
客戶最後是接受了我們的解釋 without further discussion。以下範例把公司、人名和產品名稱改了一下 (符合網路匿名發表的原則嘛....)。

From: customer
Subject: RE: your logo sticker

Hello sales,

We have your athorisation to assemble/manufacture your system, we needed it for xxx project. We sold over hundreds of your systems and we invest a lot into quality of such systems. We use only industry components, same as you, from the same OEM manufacturer. So I'm confident to say that we're more then qualitified to put a your logo onto systems we assembled.  

And please understand that we're promoting your brand, not our brand when we make the systems. So we don't put our logo on it. With our good work in our country we've managed to bring your company to very high position here so the 3D logo sticker really shouldn't be a thing we have to discuss. We can go and make it ourselve but it would be more expensive compared to ordering it from you because you already have the plastic mold. So if your product is inside the system, your logo on the screen, your logo on the printed manual, why shouldn't it be also on the housing? It's much more professional to use your 3D logo then any other logo which we can make here for low cost.

I know that previous salesperson perhaps did some unusual things, but the sales were growing with her help and we didn't need to loose so much time to discuss issues which bring benefit and bigger sales to your company. I cannot emphasize enough that our copmany is your long year importer with very good cooperation history and that your company is the brand which we promote, so we want to make it as much professional as it can be. And we care a lot about every single detail in this picture – one of the details is also the 3D logo on the system housing. 


To use these logos takes responsibility and your company behavior actually invaded our right because it's not authorized to use our logo on a system which is NOT assembled by us. If there is any problem with these systems, who should take this responsibility? We don't want our customers get confused about the system we assembled and the system you assembled. We believe your company is a very professional in the field and we appreciate very much our cooperation, but we can't provide these logos for this issue. 

(註:原回覆的方向是對的,只是技巧上多開了一個 "who should take this responsibility",由於是信件中唯一的問題,會讓客戶有回覆的空間,且可能在此議題上沒完沒了,所以在我方決策無論如何都是no 的狀況下,不需要讓客戶有發揮的空間,橫生枝節)。


I understand the system assembled by your company must be robust and with good quality, perhaps better than our own, but with the logo it means the system has our design, assemblying, testing, and even packing standards.  In short, we don't provide anyone our logo because it is not the same standards.  I think the reason is obvious and should be understood.  It is not the matter of cost but a matter of policy (and this is not a dullish policy).  

Sometimes the time required for discussion on issues is necessary.  Of course a sales could say 'yes' to all customer's requests for fast business (wouldn't that make our job as sales easier too?), but fast business is not what a company should look for.  From a company's point of view, such things (involving logo for example) is the issue beyond matter of cost, but deeper issues like intellectual property, copyright and responsibility, of which a sales with fast business and do-the-job-eaiser in mind can't understand.  But as owner of a company, I know you understand. 

In any case, if there is any other ways to help, we will try. 



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